Ingat nak buat The Spinal Tap...kembur2 dvd lama terjumpa dvd ni pulak...akhirnya terlayan cerita tahun 2005 ni...Elizabethtown

Awalnya dulu tengok cerita ni pasal 2 sebab...pertama pasal ni filem Cameron Crowe beb...semenjak Singles aku memang ketagih citer2 dia...Keduanya dah tentu2 pasal kirsten Dunst...nak kata cantik sangat minah ni tak jugak...tapi tak tau la...muka dia macam ada something la..macam misteri skit..tu yang aku jatuh cinta tu...hahaha...tapi kalau untuk orang pompuan...macam Portdy punya Meg Ryan...tarikan utamanya dah tentu2 la Orlando Bloom kan....

Tapi bila dah tengok abis cerita ni...tak tau la...ada macam satu perasaan feel good pulak...aku kalau tengok movie takder perasan boring..nak forward...tertido..tu kira movie tu best la pada aku...tu yang jadi aku minat cerita ni...nak kata romantik komedi 100% pun tak jugak...ada jugak ciri2 road movie skit...ada rock sikit...biasala Cameron Crowe kan..

adegan bergayut talipon sampai ke bilik tido ni buat aku terkenang2 zaman memuda pulak :P
Lakonan Kirsten Dunst macam biasa...memang menyakinkan...cuma aku kurang minat Orlando Bloom ni..tapi dalam cerita ni agak menjadi jugak la "kimia" antara mereka berdua..Tepat jugak pilihan Cameron Crowe walaupun watak asal tu sebenonya diberi kepada Ashton Kutcher...malas pulak aku nak cerita pasal sipnosis dia...aku cut n paste je la...
Drew Baylor (Orlando Bloom), once a rising star at a leading athletic shoe company, has just fired due to the overwhelming failure of his design for a sneaker and the $972 million loss his cimpany suffered because of the fiasco. As if that wasn't bad enough, things get even worse. Drew receives a phone call informing him that his father has passed away-and now, he must get on a plane for Elizabethtown,Kentucky to retrive his father's remains.
On the plane ride, Drew meets Claire (Kirsten Dunst), a flight attendant and unstoppably positive woman who changes the course of his life. It is in Kentucky that Drew comes to learn the breadth of his father's life and his own family roots. Drew, with the help of Claire, submits to discovering the possibilities for his own destiny. A love letter to the resilience of the life force. "Elizabethtown" is a charming,music-filles journey that proves amazing things can happen when you least expect them.
Ini antara scene yang paling aku suka dalam movie ni....sepupu Drew dengan tribute bandnya perform lagu Free Bird dari Lynyrd Skynyrd...tak kira apa berlaku pun...the show must go rock n roll beb!
(untuk Ijau...Explorer tu beb!)
So sesapa yang bosan nak layan cerita tembak menembak stereotypes...kesan CGI melampau...hantu yang tak seram...cerita2 yang tak masuk akal...lawak ketuk kepala ala2 Prof Iron Maiden...jom layan cerita feel good macamgini...rekomended!